A little boy holds balloons in front of his neighborhood as a representation of giving back to the community.

Giving back to the community can take a variety of forms. Depending on your own skill set and the unique nature of your own community, you will find many opportunities to help those around you. Here are a few ideas to spark your giving side and get you serving those who need help in your community.


Sometimes giving back to the community is as simple as giving. Whether you have an overabundance of some sort or merely have something others could use, donating makes an immediate difference in others’ lives. From clothes to food to that old cell phone in the back of your closet, in-kind gifts move seamlessly from you to local organizations and into the hands of those in need.


Sometimes it’s easier for you, and the community organization around you, to give cash donations instead of in-kind gifts. Financial philanthropy is a great way for local businesses to get and stay involved in the community. Choosing an organization and giving a percentage or portion of proceeds each month is both good for PR and the community.


Giving back to the community sometimes involves bringing people together and working toward a single cause. Instead of donating personal finances or proceeds, local organizations or citizens can plan large-scale fundraising events which raise awareness of a local need, encourage local unity, and bring in lots of money.


Community events can be about more than raising money. Use these opportunities to gather in-kind donations, such as diapers for a new mom, canned foods for a food pantry, or furniture and appliances for a family whose home was destroyed. Habitat for Humanity or the American Red Cross both offer local community involvement projects, so check out those large organizations as well as our nonprofit partners.


If you have more time than money, volunteering may be a more effective and viable way of giving back to the community. Consider places you already spend a lot of time with, such as your child’s school or your congregation. Those who work, and give their time, in these local places can often use an hour or two from volunteers to take extra tasks off their hands.

Recognize Those Who Serve

Giving back to the community can also come in the form of giving to those who serve or have served. Police and fire departments, local military bases, and local veteran’s organizations offer the opportunity to recognize and thank those who help the community and support the troops. You can remember them with treats or donations at the holidays or anytime.

Disaster Relief

When disasters strike, communities come together to care for their own, effected by the storm, earthquake, flood, or other catastrophe. This is an important time to get involved and give back, as the needs are immediate. The donations needed will depend on the extent and type of disaster – anything from clothes and blankets to a new home or building. Form a disaster response team, if one isn’t already in place, to meet these needs.

Step Up and Ask

If you aren’t sure what to do to give back or where your time or resources could be best used, the first place to start is to ask. Contact a representative at a local organization and let them know about your desire to help. Be specific about what you might be able to do – whether it’s donating your time, offering in-kind donations, or providing funding.

Join with Others

Sometimes volunteering, donating, and raising funds are the most effective and easiest if you join with others who have already dug the trenches to set up a program. There’s often no reason to reinvent when you can add your time and resources to local organizations who have gained positive reputations in the community.

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  • info@bazanyasafaris.com

Uganda Charity Organization-Sponsor a Child in Uganda – Uganda orphans – Orphanages in Uganda

BAZANYA FOUNDATION is a Non-Government Uganda Charity Organization which started in 2019 as a Community Outreach, and in 2014 it was registered as a Community Based Organization(CBO) with 10 helpless children from remote families. Later the charity foundation was legalized and transformed into a national center (NGO) in 2019.

Over the past decade, the number of orphans and vulnerable children living in Uganda has been escalating at an alarming rate. In 2004, the number of orphans was estimated to be 1.8 million; in 2009 that number had grown to nearly 2.6 million. Over one million of those children have lost their parents.

Help an Orphan stay in a safe Orphanage

Women Empowerment

Supporting women empowerment programs and fighting domestic violence

HIV/AIDs & Poverty

Focusing on reaching out to people prone to HIV/AIDs and poverty


sponsor an orphan

Orphanage Home Uganda

Bazanya Foundation/Orphanage home accommodates children orphaned from natural circumstances like deaths of parent(s) as well as poverty related

Learn More

Sponsor an Orphan in Uganda

Sponsor an Orphan

At $50 per month, child sponsorship is very possible and with more we are in position to create such a lasting impact for a child at our orphanage home

Community Outreach

With our community outreaches, we empower various hurting communities in the further rural areas of Uganda. Join us and help create lasting impacts

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Sponsor Orphans
Save lives

Ugandan orphans are seemingly endangered people in today’s world. Sponsoring a Ugandan orphan is the first step to saving the next generation!

Save a life by sponsoring the education of Ugandan orphan



How you can help

Volunteer with us

Volunteer in Uganda and join us in transforming peoples’ lives at Love Uganda Foundation as we return lost hope to those in our orphanage and the community we reach out to


Support our programs

Donate towards any of our programs and bring lasting impact to the vulnerable Ugandan children/community. Buy a book, clothes, mattress, or simply pay school fees for the Ugandan orphans


Raise awareness

Partner with LUF and be part of the life-changing activities we are doing to hurting Ugandan communities. Partner with one of the life-imparting Uganda charity organizations


The Empowered man in Uganda

Set Up A Lotsa Helping Hands Community

Make it easier for others to join your cause and work toward a common goal by setting up a Lotsa community. You can make it public if you want others in the area to be able to find your group and join you. Otherwise you can make it private and just invite those you think may be interested in giving back to the community.